Frequently asked questions
How do I register?
Text names, age, division, phone number and DUPR ID to (951) 491-9203. Venmo entry fees to @usapklbl
Can I withdraw and get a refund?
You can withdraw anytime before event registration closes. After registration closes no refunds are given. However, you can find a sub anytime up to leading to the tournament date. A $10 processing fee will be assed to all cancellations.
When are Times & Pairings posted?
All players will receive a text a week before the event with times and pairings.
What level can I play at?
Teams will only be allowed to play at the level of the higher rated player. The maximum skill level allowed in each bracket, may be rated +0.49 above their indicated skill level. For example, if two players have DUPR ratings of 3.18 and 3.97, the lowest bracket this team may enter is 3.5. Players may play above their skill rating, but not below.
Where can I find more tournament information?
All tournament information is posted in our social media platforms such as Instagram, facebook, X and flyers.
Is a DUPR account needed to participate in MY PKLBL Tournaments?
NO, however, It will be easier if you do. You can get a FREE DUPR account at
© 2020 by MY PKLBL